COVID-19 in Congo

  Posted on April 22, 2020 by Phoebe Chan


Special Update

New Sight News – April 2020

The situation of the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our focus and way of life collectively, whether it’s our team in Congo, UK or Hong Kong, and all of you, our dear supporters and friends. We have been urgently working to support our community in Congo against the novel Coronavirus by promoting precautions and health education. You may already be aware that many in Congo lack basic sanitation supplies such as soap, bleach, or 70% alcohol, or do not have running water at home, or do not have reliable electricity, phone or internet network service. Despite this reality, we have been finding creative, locally applicable solutions and providing support for the community to focus on what they can do, not what they can’t do. The resources on COVID-19 that we created are being used not just in Ouesso, but all over Congo and even in other African countries.

Read more about the on-the-ground situation of Congo in Dr Joyce Samoutou-Wong’s article, “A Doctor’s Thoughts on COVID-19”.

Our team has been providing soap and bleach to the prison and the mission of nuns that receive anyone who needs help.

Ezra and joyce and karis delivering soap and bleach

Our site engineer Spencer Lherisson used his engineering skills to teach locals how to make portable handwashing stations.

The New Sight nursing students and the Black Panther Club basketball team have composed and recorded a song “Congo United vs COVID-19″ which is now sung and played everywhere in the country and beyond. Watch the video of the latest studio version.


The Samoutou children created a radio play “David and His Dream” in French, and it is being played on the radio for families everywhere to learn about fighting Coronavirus. They have just recorded “David and His Dream” in English – enjoy!

Some of our other work (clockwise from top left): Various radio shows; some of the 12,000 health education leaflets given out; working with the Department of Health and the local authorities; trying out African fabric masks; seminar with community leaders.

How you can help

  1. GIVE toward our special fund set aside for COVID-19 Relief in Congo:
  2. CONTACT US if you have any creative solutions to offer:
  3. PRAY for faith, wisdom and protection.

We appreciate any and all support you can give.

How can we pray for you? A message from the Samoutous

It is only because of your support that we can continue to serve. We pray for you every day as we thank God for you. We would love to hear from you and pray for your specific needs during this difficult time.

If you’d like to, please click the button below and share your prayer request with us. You can go into as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable, and you can choose to stay anonymous if you prefer. Your request will be kept completely confidential. It would be our privilege to pray for you.

Share your prayer request

Thank you so much again for your continual support. As the Congolese like to say here – BON COURAGE! Be of good courage! Take heart!



Joyce and Henri, with the New Sight Team

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