Reusable and washable fabric mask shell

  Posted on April 28, 2020

Here are the instructions and template to make a reusable and washable fabric mask shell. Fabric masks should be used with disposable filters, and the tests show that 2 pieces of kitchen paper towel placed perpendicularly to each other (0°... View Article...

Coque de masque en tissu réutilisable et lavable

  Posted on April 28, 2020

Voici les instructions et le modèle pour fabriquer une enveloppe de masque en tissu réutilisable et lavable. Les masques en tissu doivent être utilisés avec des filtres jetables, et les tests montrent que deux serviettes de cuisine en papier absorbant... View Article...

COVID-19 in Congo

  Posted on April 22, 2020

  Special Update New Sight News – April 2020 The situation of the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our focus and way of life collectively, whether it’s our team in Congo, UK or Hong Kong, and all of you, our dear... View Article...

A Doctor’s Thoughts on COVID-19

  Posted on April 10, 2020

Standard Coronavirus guidelines are difficult to implement in developing nations. Innovative solutions that can be applied locally are required for the world to end this pandemic Dr Joyce Samoutou-Wong I am a missionary doctor from Hong Kong and Britain serving... View Article...