10th Anniversary Feast of Local Food and Drinks

  Posted on June 29, 2022

There was so much interest in the food that was introduced and served during our 10th birthday party! Thanks for volunteer Wendy, student Annita, staff member Sabin and Joyce, we got a glimpse of what foods are served during celebrations... View Article...

Our 10th Birthday Party on 7 April 2022

  Posted on April 8, 2022

We had amazing stories, virtual birthday toasts and birthday cake, as we celebrated 10 years of life-changing work at New Sight Eye Care. Let’s continue to cheer on the whole New Sight team and the Samoutou family embark on the... View Article...

Screening and Health Education Campaign Success!

  Posted on March 25, 2022

Following a two-year delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were delighted to launch our long-awaited free eye screening and health education programme in December 2021 to January 2022 with these specific objectives: Screening for diseases and conditions which may... View Article...

Interview with Wendy

  Posted on March 24, 2022

Wendy is devoting some time until mid-June to serve with us in Ouesso, and we’re so privileged to have her with us. Here’s a photo of her teaching the students about being a good employee. Let’s get to know her... View Article...

Review the year 2021 together with New Sight

  Posted on December 31, 2021

Review the year 2021 together with New Sight! As surely as the sun rises, our hope was renewed every day, and we are thankful for a year of mountains and valleys! Thank you for an amazing year with us. We... View Article...